The North Atlantic Lighthouse

The North Atlantic Lighthouse

To me the Lighthouse is very unique and I am drawn in by the light. I found the Lighthouse in 2014 and we share a unique bond and I know because I have experienced the light by leaving my body though a near-death experience I had back in 2008. You can say that the light in the Lighthouse is a mere silhouette just like the Apple-girl. It is in constant movement and continuously shifting its shades.. like a prism, rainbow reflecting a crystal-like light, filling my chakras and inspiring me to use the colors in my paintings.

I am fascinated by North Atlantic Lighthouse in the city of Hanstholm because it represents both the masculine and feminine aspect. The tower represents the man, the masculine, to some the Fallos, whereas the beam of light represents the woman, spreading her majestic rays of light over the Atlantic ocean from up high and into the Universe. The light is the navigation, just like our inner-light and intuition.


Det Nordatlantiske Fyrtårn
(Hanstholm Fyr)
Tårnvej 7-23
DK7730 Hanstholm

Driving directions

The North Atlantic Light House